Autodesk Stingray
Also known as Bitsquid before being acquired by Autodesk, Stingray was a modern, fully data-driven multiplatform game engine. Its specificities included a fully data-driven renderer and a wide Lua API. It has been used by several studios such as Arrowhead and Fatshark, notably for Warhammer: End Times - Vermintide. It was available to the public until January 2018.
My work included bugfixes in various areas of the core engine, updating the Lua math API, and most importantly parallelizing the data compilation process. These changes allowed the data preparation to take advantage of multiple cores, speeding it up by an order of magnitude on some machines.
Frostbite is the internal game engine of Electronic Arts, used for AAA titles such as the Battlefield series, Star Wars: Battlefront and Mirror's Edge: Catalyst, but also Dragon Age: Inquisition, Need for Speed, Plants Versus Zombies: Garden Warfare, and more. It is highly data-driven as well.
The original engine team is based in Stockholm, and I was a part of it for a bit more than a year. My contributions include porting the engine to a new platform, improving the shader compilation pipeline, porting systems to mobile platforms, a few rendering features, switching the entire UI pipeline to premultiplied alpha, and streamlining the UI documentation.
I learned how to work with not one but many teams of users. I had to find a balance between their needs, their calls for help, and the priorities for the engine development itself. I worked with a massive codebase and very large datasets, and used debugging tools on many platforms.